Starting Sustainable Living: Simple First Steps


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There are a million and one ways to live more sustainably. And while some of these sustainable habits require time, money and prior planning to implement, others are simple changes that you can make right away!

By all means do your own research and figure out what sustainable ideas you want to focus your energy on. These are just a few pointers to get you started.

Also note that these ideas are just the tip of the iceberg. They can each be further explored and expanded on. I’ve added links to some of my other posts if you want to learn more!

1. Cut Down on Plastics

Plastic can be an incredibly useful material, but the mass production of single use plastics is a serious environmental issue.

Anything you can do to cut back on the plastic you use is beneficial. Avoiding single use plastic bags, bottles and packaging are great ways to start.

Jump over to my Sustainable Swaps list for some plastic free alternatives.

2. Buy Responsibly

Buying products we don’t need or products with high environmental costs are just two ways in which our shopping habits impact the world around us.

Responsible shopping can take many forms. Buying less, buying local goods, buying secondhand and buying package free products are just some of the ways you can make a change.

I have a whole article on Sustainable Buying habits if you want to learn more.

3. Eat Less Meat

The meat farming industry is one of the biggest contributors to global greenhouse gas emissions.

And while you don’t necessarily need to go full vegetarian or vegan, eating less meat is a no-brainer.

Try one or two veggie meals each week and see how you get on. Even eating less red meat can be a good start, as other types of meat farming tend to be less harmful to the environment.

My Eco Friendly Food guide has more ways to eat sustainably.

4. Drive Less

Walking, cycling and public transport are your best bets when it comes to reducing your own transport emissions.

Some driving may be unavoidable, but even leaving the car at home once or twice a week can make a difference.

When you do drive, try to do so efficiently (more on this in Energy Savers).

5. Turn Off Lights, Devices and Appliances

Save money and energy by using electronics in an efficient manner. Turn them off when not in use and try to only use them when necessary.

Make sure you turn off devices and appliances properly, don’t just leave them on standby! Likewise, unplug devices when they are fully charged.

Head over to my Energy Savers post for more ways to reduce.

6. Use a Reusable Water Bottle and Coffee Cup

Disposable plastic bottles and coffee cups are an unnecessary environmental hazard.

Where possible switch to reusable cups and bottles to reduce the amount of waste you produce.

If you have any questions or suggestions please don’t hesitate to contact us by email at

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